How Will It All End?
You and many others are looking for answers about end times.
How can my family and I be ready for what is ahead?
What events will lead up to and cause the battle of Armageddon?
Where will the Antichrist come from and who will he control? How will he fall?
What place will Iraq (the location of Babylon) have in the end times?
Find the answers to these and countless other questions in this remarkable new version. The Last Days New Testament is an accurate NEW translation that vividly brings out the truth in the expressive language we use every day.
You will find in the pages of this Bible:
How can I receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior so I can be certain of my place in God's coming kingdom for eternity?(See The Amazing Story of God page 520)
The Prophetic Scriptures seriously considered, understandably analyzed, and cross-referenced.
Many hundreds of never-before-published informative footnotes for the last generation.
This New Testament is the culmination of 22 years of work researching Bible Prophecy and translating from the original Greek (The same Greek text used for the King James Bible).
Here's the Bible that will motivate your faith to action.
Here's the Bible that you will want to give to others.
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It is amazing how receptive people are to receive a copy of this Bible. They will read it, and with the many explanatory notes, they will understand as never before.
One reader says…
"Do you know what your Bible has done for me? Through my study of it the Lord has opened my eyes to the reality of who He is. For the first time in my life not only do I have a relationship with him, but I have been given the power to overcome things I thought would follow me to the grave! I love this Book and I love to read it because in its pages I see and hear from Him. I can honestly say that I never enjoyed reading the Bible before, I just used it as a club to attack those who disagreed with me. That's why I give a copy of it to everyone that even shows a slight interest in it. I know from reading it that it can transform a dead orthodoxy into a living faith and that's what I want for my friends and relatives.
Thanks to all at Life Messengers for producing it. When I use up my remaining 20 copies I'll be ordering another case. God Bless!" --Stephen P.
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